I already have a SHIELD Illinois account. Can I add my school, employer, etc, to my existing account?

I already have a SHIELD Illinois account. Can I add my school, employer, etc, to my existing account?

Absolutely! Here is how you do it. (Before you start, you will need your new agency's "agency code.)

Log into your portal as you usually do.
Click "Personal Details"

Scroll down and click "Add Agency Division."

Agencies affiliated with your account can only see tests done under that agency if you have consented. For example, if you test at a SHIELD Illinois community site and add your employer (which you have consented to see your results), your employer will only be able to see results that are done at your employer. They will not be able to see any tests done previously at the SHIELD Illinois community site or even any test done later at a community site. They can't even see that you have tested at a SHIELD Illinois community site.