How do I order supplies provided by SHIELD Illinois using Inflow?
How do I order supplies provided by SHIELD Illinois using Inflow?
1). Select the quantity for each product you wish to order
2). Verify the number of items per unit (example: 528 caps per box)
3). Checkout
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Is there an additional cost to order supplies via Inflow?
There is no additional cost to order supplies via Inflow.
When will I get approved to order supplies through inflow?
After a SHIELD supply team member reviews your sign-up information and invites you to the inFlow “show room”.
How do I know how many supplies to order on Inflow?
Please confirm on Inflow the number of supplies come in one package. Please plan according to your estimated weekly testing volume.
How to I order the scanner, tubs, etc. (materials not provided by SHIELD)?
Find the checklist of additional supplies on your onboarding guide or using the following link:
Do I need to get approved of my submission to order the supplies?
Yes, you need to sign up to order the supplies and a SHIELD team member will approve your submission. This occurs daily.