How will a patient or organization be notified of test results?

How will a patient or organization be notified of test results?

How or if a patient or organization will receive results is dependent on the organization type and how it was requested to be configured. For community test sites, the patient will receive their results through the patient portal at and the patient (or their guardian if under 18) will have access to the results. For K-12 schools, results will be accessible via the Point and Click Mass Tester tools at Parents may also be able to access results directly via the patient portal but this varies on a school by school basis. For businesses, colleges, and universities, usually the school and the patient will receive the results simultaneously via the Mass Tester tools and patient portal respectively. However, this is determined by the organization when the account is initially configured. If you are part of an organization that tests with SHIELD Illinois and you have questions about who has access to your results, please contact your organization.
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