Why did some of the specimens in my manifest result at a different time?
Often you will see some specimens in a manifest result at a different time than the rest of the manifest. There are three primary reasons for this:
They were run on different plates
A small amount of saliva from each specimen is deposited into a plate with 384 wells. Each of these plates are analyzed independently and some of your specimens may have been analyzed on a different plate.
The initial result was "Inconclusive" or "Invalid"
If the initial result of a specimen is "Invalid" or "Inconclusive," another sample is taken from the vial and processed before confirming the invalid or inconclusive result. You will not see the initial invalid or inconclusive result. Only final, confirmed, results are displayed on end-user reports. You can learn more about the result definitions in the article What do my results mean?.
The initial result was "positive" but the laboratory scientist wanted to run it again for confirmation
The results of the covidSHIELD test are reviewed individually by at least one laboratory scientist. If the initial result is positive but something in the result report raised a question to the scientist, they will pull another sample from the specimen vial and completely rerun it to confirm the result.
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