Why won't SHIELD Illinois deactivate a patient account?

Why won't SHIELD Illinois deactivate a patient account?

Patient records are not specific to an agency but to the patient. Deactivating a patient not only prevents the patient from testing anywhere in the SHIELD Illinois network in the future but also removes the ability of the patient or their guardian to view past results. SHIELD Illinois will deactivate patient records but only a patient or their legal guardian can request a patient record be deactivated. Patients over 18 or the legal guardian of a patient under 18 can request an account be deactivated by contacting the patient support line at (217) 265-6059.


The agency can use the Consent Management tool in Mass Tester to remove consent.

If the patient has moved, transferred, or graduated:

Open a ticket with SHIELD Illinois support and request that the patient be removed from the agency. SHIELD Illinois will transfer the patient from the current agency to SHIELD Community Testing so that they no longer appear on the patient list but the patient can still test with SHIELD Illinois elsewhere and retain access to their records. ONLY REQUEST THIS IF THE PATIENT HAS LEFT THE SCHOOL/AGENCY.
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